what we care about

We want you to know what drives us as a company, and what we stand for. These five values are our guiding principles which we apply to every piece or project.

We enter spaces with grace and generosity, but challenge the status quo

We’re always willing to ask: “Is there a better way?”

We ask the hard questions and lean in to more difficult work now if it means the possibility of success for more of us in the future

We hold ourselves accountable to our commitments of any shape and size

We stand by the content we create and the stories we put into the world; we’re responsible for the quality of our work, and responsive to the results and conversations it opens

We’re accountable for our past and future mistakes and demonstrate the willingness to take responsibility, to learn and to grow

We recognize with privilege that we are settlers on Indigenous land, we’re accountable for our own education on how to best give back to and work with our Indigenous neighbours


Community helps us thrive, so we want to give back, both financially and with our skills, specifically to LGBTQ+ and Indigenous communities

We work with our community to tell their stories in a responsible way; we honour sliding scale rates for non-profits and responsible startups

We strive to create and foster a community of creative, like-minded people who are doing the work that we want to be doing—helping each other learn, grow, and be healthy members of the greater ecosystem

We approach goals with a creative mindset, continually seeking out ways to fuel the imagination and produce original content and ideas

Taking risks; learning constantly; choosing not just the easiest and most traditional paths, but the ones that are best for us and our clients

Storytelling is our passion—we want to captivate both you and your audience


We believe that visibility matters, on screen and behind the camera; more diverse voices makes for better storytelling

We aim to work with brands that support anti-racism, Indigenous rights, queer rights; brands that act on diversity as their one of their core values

If your company values diversity, we can help you live into that